Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back to work Finally

Back to work Monday. It's been a long nine weeks. It's hard to spend that long at home. You can't do much fiscal because your trying to recoup. Rest and computer and TV was all I could do so it got pretty boring at times. I just have to take it easy at work not to injure myself. About another 4 months of healing to go. I spent a couple hours at the shop Friday afternoon before I had to pick up Daniel. The place never changes at all. It will be nice to get back and get back into the swing of things.
All my Xmas shopping is done at least. Plus I'll have to long weekends coming up to recoup some more. Xmas and New years. Two 4 day weekends will be nice.
Going to Pam's Mom's this weekend. I don't like her driving alone so I'll go with her. Plus I haven't been there since last Thanksgiving. It will be nice to get away.

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