Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Monday

Got up today and took a ride and got our Turkey and Big cans of coffee. Coffee has been outrageous the past year. At times it's been $12 a big can. So when it goes on sale for 5.99 I load up. I think right now we have 11 big cans. That will do us a few months. loll Feeling pretty good lately. Definitely sleeping a lot better now. I never thought I'd sleep good again.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chilly Outside Friday

Chilly outside today but another day closer to Spring. Winter sucks. Ex specially when you have to deal with it at work. Anyways, Went to my hand Doctor this morning. He's such a great guy. Down to earth and just plain nice. I showed him my neck and he goes, awe, Cervical fusion, yup I said. He seen the thread sticking out on both sides of it. He goes, when do you see you Doctor again? I said December 3rd. Oh he says. I can pull the thread out if you want me to. I said cool. Sure, why not. It usually disappears but that one end was the knot end and it takes a long time for it to rot. Now I'm thread less. loll
Now I'm done with the Hand Specialist unless my hands start to bother me down the road. I got my Pea Pod order done. They'll be coming Sunday midday. Oh ya, I stopped by the shop to see the guys. It was funny, I opened the door to the shop and everyone is standing there shooting the sh-t. Now they have a good reason to stand there for another half hour. Even the Foreman was there. My Boss would have been there to but he's off hunting this week. Bunch of great guys though. I'm lucky in that respect. There all nice to be with and work with.
Well, I guess that's it for this exciting day. Daniel will be here later on for his sleep over. Pam's feeling good now and went to work so he's sleeping over now.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday Afternoon and Evening

I had a really nice Saturday afternoon. My brother Mike was in CT because he's going hunting with my brother Joe all this week. They left today. He called me Saturday and asked if I wanted to go to my brothers house and hang out with them. We had Steamers, Venison and seafood sausage. Eric, Tiffany and Keri had lobster. They told me to sleep over so I welcomed that Idea. We had some beers and had a fantastic time. Reminisced about the old days growing up in Rockville. It was fun. But now my neck hurts from sleeping in a differant bed. I think I slept for maybe 2 hours in total. I'm exhausted. I sure hope I can nap. I took a pain pill. As soon as that kicks in, I'll hit the sack. It's been a long time since I spent time with my brothers. It was great!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Not much going on today

It was another peaceful day today. I finished formatting my Desktop today and it's running like a champ. Very happy with it. It drives me insane when it gets slow and has errors. It's been a long time since I did it last. Other than that, I tried taking a nap, ya that didn't last. My eyes won't close during the day. For that mater, not at night either. I think I slept for 2 1/2 - 3 hours last night. I get up at five wide awake. Another few weeks of doing nothing.Yaaaaaaaa, I love being Bord. I'm getting used to it. It doesn't bother me quiet as bad now. Oh well,that's it for now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quiet Day Today

Nice Quiet Day today. I formatted my laptop cause I wasn't happy the way it was acting. Now it's perfect. It didn't take long because I don't have all that much on it. Ya and I burnt some movies for the Kiddies. Waiting for UPS to bring one present. Other than that, still pretty bored. My damn neck still bothers me at times. That's not good.
Friday I'm going to head to my Mom's to see my brother Mike. They will be there at some point to get his trailer ready for hunting. I guess there going hunting either Saturday or Sunday for a week. It will be nice to see him. Maybe I'll head to the shop tomorrow to visit. I'll see. It's not like I'm extremely busy. All this excitement is killing me. I need time to relax. loll

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday Evening

We survived another Daniel sleep over. He's so dam cute and getting pretty smart to. Just chilling tonight resting my neck. It hurt so much when I woke up Friday morning. It felt like someone hit me in the neck with a club. It made me afraid. But it feels pretty good today. It must have been because I lifted Haley and DJ on Thursday. I carried Daniel to the car Thursday. Bad move, I payed dearly for that move. It better get better. I do have to go back to work the beginning of December. I don't think I'll ever get used to sleeping again. and I hate this dam Ortho Fix unit. Four hours a day gets to be a annoying after a while. Speaking of that, 13 minutes to go for today.Well,thats it for today.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Peaseful quiet Day

It's been a quiet day in the neighborhood today. The highlight has been making beans for dinner tonight. Along with chilli,mac salad,fried dogs on potato rolls,chips and cheetoes.
I just got the mail and the Hospital bill from Anthem came. I think I own part of it now. Just for the over night stay without the Doctor, $34,000. Wow, sure glad I have insurance.I haven't recieved anything on bills for MRI, bunch of differant Xrays, or the Doctor yet. That must be close to the same with them all added together. Plus with the 11 sessions of Therapy before I went for Surgery. I'm sure it is hugh all added together.
Can't wait for the kids to come. It's nice to have them and my Grandkids here. It will make the day perfect.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nice day to get out today

Today I went to my work to see my buddy Ben and had coffee with him. Then I took off for Shaw's to get the shopping done. I wanted Shaw's because there big mondo cans of Maxwell house coffee were on sale this week. It's been a long time since it's been on sale. It was up to around 12 dollars a can. I got them for 5.99. Of course you know me, I got a bunch of them, well, just 5 of them. I didn't want to be a hog. loll
Came home and put that junk away, had breakfast for lunch, relaxed, and now I'm bored again. I know one thing, this not smoking thing is killing me. It's the hardest thing I have ever had to do. That's all I think about. It really sucks. 4 weeks and 3 days now.
I'm glad elections will be over today. I was so sick of them badmouthing each other day after day after day. Guess thats it for now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where Did Summer Go

It's amazing how fast summer goes and how long winter seems. Well tomorrow will make 4 weeks since my surgery. Even that flew by. I get a little better each day. Still not sleeping great but I'm sure it will come sooner or latter. I'll be heading to Watertown today. My first long solo drive in a while. I need to get out of here. It gets to be like prison after a while. I will probably be going back to work in 4 and a half weeks or so. If I don't shoot myself from boredom before then. This staying home and quit smoking thing is making me put on some weight. Instead of Pea Pod this week, maybe I'll go to Shaw's and do it manually. It will get me out of here for something to do. Sounds like a plan.