Thursday, November 6, 2008

Peaseful quiet Day

It's been a quiet day in the neighborhood today. The highlight has been making beans for dinner tonight. Along with chilli,mac salad,fried dogs on potato rolls,chips and cheetoes.
I just got the mail and the Hospital bill from Anthem came. I think I own part of it now. Just for the over night stay without the Doctor, $34,000. Wow, sure glad I have insurance.I haven't recieved anything on bills for MRI, bunch of differant Xrays, or the Doctor yet. That must be close to the same with them all added together. Plus with the 11 sessions of Therapy before I went for Surgery. I'm sure it is hugh all added together.
Can't wait for the kids to come. It's nice to have them and my Grandkids here. It will make the day perfect.

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