Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday Afternoon and Evening

I had a really nice Saturday afternoon. My brother Mike was in CT because he's going hunting with my brother Joe all this week. They left today. He called me Saturday and asked if I wanted to go to my brothers house and hang out with them. We had Steamers, Venison and seafood sausage. Eric, Tiffany and Keri had lobster. They told me to sleep over so I welcomed that Idea. We had some beers and had a fantastic time. Reminisced about the old days growing up in Rockville. It was fun. But now my neck hurts from sleeping in a differant bed. I think I slept for maybe 2 hours in total. I'm exhausted. I sure hope I can nap. I took a pain pill. As soon as that kicks in, I'll hit the sack. It's been a long time since I spent time with my brothers. It was great!

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