Friday, November 21, 2008

Chilly Outside Friday

Chilly outside today but another day closer to Spring. Winter sucks. Ex specially when you have to deal with it at work. Anyways, Went to my hand Doctor this morning. He's such a great guy. Down to earth and just plain nice. I showed him my neck and he goes, awe, Cervical fusion, yup I said. He seen the thread sticking out on both sides of it. He goes, when do you see you Doctor again? I said December 3rd. Oh he says. I can pull the thread out if you want me to. I said cool. Sure, why not. It usually disappears but that one end was the knot end and it takes a long time for it to rot. Now I'm thread less. loll
Now I'm done with the Hand Specialist unless my hands start to bother me down the road. I got my Pea Pod order done. They'll be coming Sunday midday. Oh ya, I stopped by the shop to see the guys. It was funny, I opened the door to the shop and everyone is standing there shooting the sh-t. Now they have a good reason to stand there for another half hour. Even the Foreman was there. My Boss would have been there to but he's off hunting this week. Bunch of great guys though. I'm lucky in that respect. There all nice to be with and work with.
Well, I guess that's it for this exciting day. Daniel will be here later on for his sleep over. Pam's feeling good now and went to work so he's sleeping over now.

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