Friday, October 31, 2008

Good Day

It was a good day today so far. It was so nice to get out. I went to work to see the guys,went to Jiffy Lube to service my truck(which was over due) to the credit union and back home. My neck was hurting on the way home. It was a little to much for the first time driving around. I'm relaxing now and it feels pretty good.
Everyone at work was happy to see me. Believe it or not, they all like me at work. I do a lot for people (mostly advise on building and computers). I get tired a lot of all the questions they all ask me but I deal with it.
Jiffy lube cost me 250.00. Expensive but I can't do it myself right now so I payed to get it done. New Oil and Filter, Flushed Coolant system and new coolant, drained Transmission fluid and replaced with new Fluid. I've been wanting to do it for months and now it's done. I'm Happy.
Credit Union 150.00. Expensive morning. But I feel good that I was able to get stuff done. And what a beautiful warm day it is. It was so nice to get out.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Unreal. My post before about my Doctor, It gets even more funny. The woman who was going to fit me for my Cervical-Stem called at shortly after 1:00 today. She says, when is your next appointment with Dr Spero. I said December 3rd. She says we'll have to wait till then to fit you with the Cervical-Stem. She says We don't fit them before surgery. I said WHAT. I had my surgery almost a month ago. She said she had talked to Dr Spero's Office Manager and that's what she said. OK she said, I'll call you back in a little while. I said OK.
She calls back after talking to Megan (office manager) and she said we don't do fittings at home. We do them in Dr Spero's office. I said no shit. I have the paperwork that says that to. But when I went for my first post opp appointment they never called you to get me one before hand. Dr Spero told his Secretary to call Megan and call you to set me up with one at home. I told her there office is more messed up than you could ever imagine! The Dr's Office from HELL. Damn is that place ever f-ked up bad.
Anyway, I called Pam up at work and told her. We laughed for a while. How can a place be so messed up.
A different woman is coming at 4:00pm to fit me. I don't think they dared not to do it today. I'll need a vacation after dealing with those assholes.
The stress is killing me. LOLL

Boring Thursday

Well at least the woman from the Cervical-Stim company is coming this afternoon to fit me with my devise. I should of had it last Wednesday! My doctor was great but his people suck big time! I wouldn't recommend him to my worst enemy! There all slow and dumber than freaking Dirt! Ask Pam, she couldn't believe how f-ked up they are. She brought me to my last appointment. She came home from work to bring me and then go back to work. I told her that it might be a while. It was like two hours. They book patients every ten minutes and by noon there backed up out on the street! Damn! That's why I make mine for early I can now! Then we had to listen to some dumb ass lady complain that she was told her appointment was at 10:00 and when she got there the receptionist told her she was wrong that it was 11:00. This Lady went on and on how she was right and they screwed her up. I was ready to whip out the Duck Tape! This lady was about 55 dressed like Dolly Parton and trying to look twenty. She was ugly and pathetic! Then when they took her in, you could still hear her with two doors closed! It was Ugly! The receptionist told her she could reschedule her if she was in a hurry, wrong thing to say! LOLL
They probably did screw that lady over as messed up as that office staff is!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Boring Tuesday

Another boring raining day. Haven't heard anything from the spinal-stem people today. They were suppose to call today and set up an appointment to come and fit me with the spinal-stem equipment. Figures, none of them have ever got back to me when they say. The doctor is an excellent surgeon but his whole office and practise sucks as far as doing what there suppose to!
The tables and chairs came today for the Grand kids. That's about the height of my excitement for the day. Ya, my life bites lately. It's down right pathetic. I'm even getting tired of being on my computers! That's bad! Now I have nothing to do. I can't even nap. I never could. When it's light out, my eyes won't close. Well, thats about it for this exciting day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Morning

Suppose to be a great day out today. I'm going to get out today. I need to get a few things at the drug store. A nice cervical pillow for one. My neck still hurts. It may be from not having a good pillow. And I need to get some calcium. Good fore bones! I'll get it so I can make my Mom happy. She's a vitamin freak! She used to pump my poor Dad full of vitamins. They didn't do him any good. He died at 62! Some times I wonder if they had part of killing him. They say to many vitamins aren't good for you either!
Didn't sleep great last night but it wasn't the worst night I've had. I get up at 5:30 most days. My neck is hurting more than normal so I guess I'll have to start the day on pain pills. That sucks. It's been three weeks today that I quit smoking. It hasn't been easy at all but at least I had a reason to quit which has made it a lot easier! Most people just try and quit out of the blue and that is real hard. I had no choice, quit or my bones won't fuse together. The Doctor said Nicotine stops the fusion from taking place. Good enough reason for me!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 19 post Opp

Crappy night last night. I woke up a million times. My neck is hurting this morning.It's the first time it's hurt in the morning like this. I guess it will be pain pill time. I was doing good to. I haven't taken any pills in a few days. I was hoping to get out of the house this coming week but not if my neck is hurting. It really sucks! I had such a great day yesterday. Maybe I over did it yesterday. Thats me, can't sit still.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Finally a good night!

I was shocked when I woke up around 6:oo this morning. It was the first night in Months I slept through the night. I was probably in a coma. A few hours sleep a night will catch up with you sooner or later! I think today I may clean my truck since it may be fairly warm. I think I'll wait till Monday to try the driving thing. I'll see how far I'm able to turn my head. Making two disks solid does tend to retrict your movement. Sure will be fun this winter plowing snow. Guess I'll be going a lot slower than I used to. I used to be the fastest plower but that won't happen any more!
I feel pretty good this morning. Now If I could get this neck to heal completely, I'd be in good shape. When I lift my head I can feel the skin pulling where they had cut me. Feels weird.
I know one thing, I'm a very Lucky Dad to be able to spend Thursday evenings with my Children and Grandchildren. It's awesume! I love it very much!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Post OPP Surgery Visit

Had my 1st visit today. They took two Xrays to see how my neck looked. He said everything looked great. He also said I can drive as long as I'm not taking a lot of pain medicine but I will be restricted in my head movement. There going to call me today and let me know about the Spinal-Stim. They have to call my insurance provider and make sure they will cover it. Then they will come here and hook me up. It promotes bone Fusion! I'm for that!
Anyways, 6 more weeks at home. I see Dr. Spero on December 3rd at 9:10am. He did say if I feel I want to go back to work in 4 weeks, call his office and they will give me a return to work slip. I'll see how it goes. I just want this thing to heal and not hurt it going back to early. Play it by ear.
So for now, rest and Be bord.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 15 after surgery

Today is the fifteenth day after my surgery. I am going to the doctor's tomorrow (Wed.) for my first post opp checkup. I'm suppose to get a Spinal-Stim. It's a thing you wear that sends a signal through your body and it promotes bone fusion. It says to wear it for around 6 months or so. Ya Right!
This whole process has been torcher for me. Quit smoking, neck pain, can't drive for a month,can't sleep, no working! It really has sucked. All this so my arm wouldn't hurt any more! It worked! My arm is great! It's the rest of me now that is messed up. I was wondering the day I left the Hospital why he gave me such a huge bottle of pain killers. That alone scared me! I only end up using them towards the end of the day when my neck gets tired. Then it starts to ache. I still don't sleep good at all with or without meds.
Can't wait to drive again. Then it won't be so bad. I'll go to work and hang out with all my Buddies. They've all called here to check on me and ask how to do things. Well, I guess it's TV time and rest the neck!