Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Post OPP Surgery Visit

Had my 1st visit today. They took two Xrays to see how my neck looked. He said everything looked great. He also said I can drive as long as I'm not taking a lot of pain medicine but I will be restricted in my head movement. There going to call me today and let me know about the Spinal-Stim. They have to call my insurance provider and make sure they will cover it. Then they will come here and hook me up. It promotes bone Fusion! I'm for that!
Anyways, 6 more weeks at home. I see Dr. Spero on December 3rd at 9:10am. He did say if I feel I want to go back to work in 4 weeks, call his office and they will give me a return to work slip. I'll see how it goes. I just want this thing to heal and not hurt it going back to early. Play it by ear.
So for now, rest and Be bord.

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