Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Morning

Suppose to be a great day out today. I'm going to get out today. I need to get a few things at the drug store. A nice cervical pillow for one. My neck still hurts. It may be from not having a good pillow. And I need to get some calcium. Good fore bones! I'll get it so I can make my Mom happy. She's a vitamin freak! She used to pump my poor Dad full of vitamins. They didn't do him any good. He died at 62! Some times I wonder if they had part of killing him. They say to many vitamins aren't good for you either!
Didn't sleep great last night but it wasn't the worst night I've had. I get up at 5:30 most days. My neck is hurting more than normal so I guess I'll have to start the day on pain pills. That sucks. It's been three weeks today that I quit smoking. It hasn't been easy at all but at least I had a reason to quit which has made it a lot easier! Most people just try and quit out of the blue and that is real hard. I had no choice, quit or my bones won't fuse together. The Doctor said Nicotine stops the fusion from taking place. Good enough reason for me!

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