Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boring Thursday

Well at least the woman from the Cervical-Stim company is coming this afternoon to fit me with my devise. I should of had it last Wednesday! My doctor was great but his people suck big time! I wouldn't recommend him to my worst enemy! There all slow and dumber than freaking Dirt! Ask Pam, she couldn't believe how f-ked up they are. She brought me to my last appointment. She came home from work to bring me and then go back to work. I told her that it might be a while. It was like two hours. They book patients every ten minutes and by noon there backed up out on the street! Damn! That's why I make mine for early I can now! Then we had to listen to some dumb ass lady complain that she was told her appointment was at 10:00 and when she got there the receptionist told her she was wrong that it was 11:00. This Lady went on and on how she was right and they screwed her up. I was ready to whip out the Duck Tape! This lady was about 55 dressed like Dolly Parton and trying to look twenty. She was ugly and pathetic! Then when they took her in, you could still hear her with two doors closed! It was Ugly! The receptionist told her she could reschedule her if she was in a hurry, wrong thing to say! LOLL
They probably did screw that lady over as messed up as that office staff is!

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