Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 15 after surgery

Today is the fifteenth day after my surgery. I am going to the doctor's tomorrow (Wed.) for my first post opp checkup. I'm suppose to get a Spinal-Stim. It's a thing you wear that sends a signal through your body and it promotes bone fusion. It says to wear it for around 6 months or so. Ya Right!
This whole process has been torcher for me. Quit smoking, neck pain, can't drive for a month,can't sleep, no working! It really has sucked. All this so my arm wouldn't hurt any more! It worked! My arm is great! It's the rest of me now that is messed up. I was wondering the day I left the Hospital why he gave me such a huge bottle of pain killers. That alone scared me! I only end up using them towards the end of the day when my neck gets tired. Then it starts to ache. I still don't sleep good at all with or without meds.
Can't wait to drive again. Then it won't be so bad. I'll go to work and hang out with all my Buddies. They've all called here to check on me and ask how to do things. Well, I guess it's TV time and rest the neck!

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