Thursday, October 30, 2008


Unreal. My post before about my Doctor, It gets even more funny. The woman who was going to fit me for my Cervical-Stem called at shortly after 1:00 today. She says, when is your next appointment with Dr Spero. I said December 3rd. She says we'll have to wait till then to fit you with the Cervical-Stem. She says We don't fit them before surgery. I said WHAT. I had my surgery almost a month ago. She said she had talked to Dr Spero's Office Manager and that's what she said. OK she said, I'll call you back in a little while. I said OK.
She calls back after talking to Megan (office manager) and she said we don't do fittings at home. We do them in Dr Spero's office. I said no shit. I have the paperwork that says that to. But when I went for my first post opp appointment they never called you to get me one before hand. Dr Spero told his Secretary to call Megan and call you to set me up with one at home. I told her there office is more messed up than you could ever imagine! The Dr's Office from HELL. Damn is that place ever f-ked up bad.
Anyway, I called Pam up at work and told her. We laughed for a while. How can a place be so messed up.
A different woman is coming at 4:00pm to fit me. I don't think they dared not to do it today. I'll need a vacation after dealing with those assholes.
The stress is killing me. LOLL

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